Materials and Sensors for Trace Concentrations of Perodixe and Nitro Vapours

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Researcher: Prof Deepak Uttamchandani

Research Institution: University of Strathclyde


The University of Strathclyde is seeking industry partners to support their work into materials and sensors for trace concentrations, including from those already working in the area of sensors.


• Laboratory demonstrators of chemicapacitor sensors based on bespoke polymer thin films designed to target peroxide and nitro vapours in trace concentrations.


• Potential uses include at airports, shopping malls and government buildings where detection of explosives is needed or in areas of conflict.


• Technology can be used to safeguard citizens, service personnel and infrastructure.


Industry partners are sought from those already working in the area of sensors or for the creation of a spinout company.

Contact Details:

Email Prof Deepak Uttamchandani at

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