LIOPA – A Novel Biometric Solution

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Researcher: Gavin McWilliams

Research Institution: Queens University Belfast


Gavin McWilliams from Queens University Belfast is seeking industry partners to help support further development to ensure LIOPA is robust under unconstrained use and across a variety of application domains.


• LIOPA is a novel biometric test based upon an individual’s lip movements – a user is prompted to utter a sequence of characters, numbers or words to a camera and the mouth region is analysed and compared with a previously trained biometric signature;
• Devices with integrated cameras such as tablets and smartphones can use LIOPA to authenticate the user to the device itself or to networked services running on the device; and
• The LIOPA solution can be readily integrated into existing solutions using the LIOPA API – it can be incorporated into a multi-modal biometric solution, especially where the biometric test exploits facial or speech features since the LIOPA API captures this data.


• Providers of secure smartphone platforms with a need to quickly and easily authenticate a user to the platform;
• Online services seeking a replacement for reCAPTCHA technologies that need to validate the presence of a human during service enrolment or login;
• Providers of Physical Access Control solutions seeking to enhance the breadth and effectiveness of biometric tests available to their solutions; and
• eCommerce providers seeking to offer a quick and convenient solution that their customers can use to authorise small payments for goods and services.


• The LIOPA biometric test demands liveness – namely that the user must respond by speaking a randomly generated phrase or sequence of letters and numbers – giving LIOPA a distinct advantage over other biometric tests such as face recognition or speaker verification, namely that it is robust to so-called replay attacks;
• The LIOPA API provides end users with access to the cloud-based LIOPA platform which allows end-users to offload the penalty of a computationally intensive biometric test and to guarantee the safe storage of biometric signatures off the device; and
• LIOPA is readily incorporated into a multi-modal biometric, in particular face recognition and speaker verification and is robust in noisy environments.


LIOPA has been developed from a laboratory-based concept demonstrator and prototyped on an Android mobile platform. Industry partners are sought to help support further development to ensure LIOPA is robust under unconstrained use and across a variety of application domains.

Specifically, LIOPA team are seeking partners who can:

• Offer realistic use case scenarios where LIOPA could be deployed and support the integration and development of a LIOPA solution in their application domain;
• Offer opportunities to extend the exposure of the solution to a broader user base and gather valuable new data to support enhanced biometric modelling and accurately assess the viability of the solution under a range of environmental conditions;
• Offer LIOPA as part of a multi-modal biometric solution; and
• Partner with CSIT in pursuit of new funding opportunities to realise the commercial potential of LIOPA.

Contact Details:

Email Gavin McWilliams at

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